
Back to England

My holiday over, I went back to working for the other language school in Plymouth. News of my hand reading skills soon spread and R, a large, black girl from the Caribbean wanted me to read her hand. Studying her figure, I had anticipated a thick sensual hand with a prominent fleshy mount of Venus and possibly with lesbian tendencies but it was not at all like I had expected

“This is strange,” I said. “I’ve never seen a hand like this before. You’ve loved two people at the same time – there’s quite a crossover period here. But both lines are entirely separate which means you must not have had physical contact with both at the same time. How strange!”

Her mouth fell open. “How did you know?! It’s true! I had this really intense relationship with this one guy, then it kinda fizzled out then when I was still seeing him I met this other guy online. That was pretty intense too but it’s just finished. I never met him in the end.”

My students wanted me to read the hands of one of their teachers. She was a stout, pleasant lady in her fifties with short grey hair and a devout air about her. She didn’t speak any English so my students had to translate what I said to her. She had a single, very deep line on her love life.

“You have one very big love in your life,” I told her.

My students giggled. “She is a Sister,” they told me. “She has been a nun all her life.”

“Maybe the big love is Jesus Christ,” said Angela and the nun nodded happily.

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